Sankey T. Johnson was the brother of Eddie Pederson Johnson, my grandfather.
Sankey T. Johnson Family Papers
Finding Aid
Box 1
1) Walker, William. The Christian Harmony: Hymn and Psalm Tunes, Odes and Anthems. Philadelphia: Miller's Bible
and Publishing House, 1873.
2) The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments: together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original
tongues, and with former translation diligently compared and revised. With Canne's Marginal Notes and References. To which
are added an index; an alphabetical table of all the names on the Old and New Testaments, with their significations; tables
of Scripture weights, measures, and coins, &c.. Auburn and Rochester: Alden and Beardsley, no year given.
3) poster - Sankey T. Johnson Family Papers: A Georgia Family at War, 1861-1865
4) 4 silver spoons
Box 2
1) unidentified ambrotype of young man
2) unidentified ambrotype of older man
3) unidentified ambrotype of soldier
4) photograph album containing identified photographs of the Pearson family
Box 3
Note: These folders contain the correspondence of the Johnson family during the Civil War, particularly
the correspondence between Asbury Sankey Lee Johnson, a Confederate soldier, and his wife Sarah. The contents of the folders
will be listed only when they are not Civil War letters.
Sarah to Asbury 1861
Sarah to Asbury 1862
Asbury to Sarah 1861
Asbury to Sarah 1862 (1)
Asbury to Sarah 1862 (2)
Asbury to Sarah 1862 (3)
Asbury to Sarah - Undated
Miscellaneous Letters
Miscellaneous Originals (1)
Miscellaneous Originals (2)
Miscellaneous Originals (3)
Family Information - genealogical information re: Sankey T. Johnson family - receipts and other
documents (originals and photocopies) re: the Johnson family
Below are some of the letters

This sword belonged to Asbury Sankey Lee Johnson when he served as a sergeant in Company C, 34th Regiment, Georgia Infantry,
during the U. S. Civil War. Johnson enlisted in the Confederate Army on January 14, 1862; he died of typhoid fever on December
30, 1862, at a military hospital in Dalton. He was 27 years old. The Johnson family papers also contain the Civil War correspondence
between Asbury and his wife Sarah, who was staying on a cotton farm in Corinth, Georgia, with theirr three young sons.

This is a double stone with his second wife Vesta Ann Miller daughter of Wright Smith Miller. This is also Eddie
P Johnsons brother.