From: Archibald Pruit, to C.B. McGuyer.
The Betsy mentioned in the letter below was the wife of Archibald pruit and daughter
of William Jr., (my 3rd great-great-uncle, brother of Thomas) & Mary Febara (Ditto) McGuire. Betsy was my 1st cousin,
4 times removed. Her siblings were: Benjamin, Sarah, William 111, John A., Febara and Cyntha McGuire.
To: C.B. McGuyer,
Dear Brother,
I now write you a few lines to let you know how we are at this time. We are all well, hoping
when this comes to hand it may find you well. I have sent fifty dollars in a draft with Cornelius, and if you want any more,
you must let me know. I have sent three letters and have got no answer yet, and I want to know if you have got them and
I want you write to me all about the country and about yourself, for I hear you have a nation taken rich with trees. I want
you to tell Uncle Tommy and Neal howdy for me and tell them to write to me, for I wrote to them when I wrote to you. Betsy
sends howdy to you and all of the connection. Tell Sim George to write to me, for I have not got any word from him yet, and
I have wrote to him. Tell them howdy for me and Betsy. Billy and Ted send howdy to Uncle Ben.
Nothing more to say at this time, but remain your brother until death.
A. Pruit.

From: D.C. Shriver, to: John Coats.
Oct. 24th
Well, John have you got to Texas? I guess you have. I had a plague fallon to come on my
thumb directly after you were here and could not write and can hardly at best. Well John time goes on about as usual since
you left here. We got through L(--)es making had about 300 gallons in all. Been gathering some corn and sowing some wheat.
Since singing schools and wriring schools still plenty, Molly D. Strand here the other night, and that other girl says she
does not love that John Coats. Well, John, the other children all has your case up every night and wondering and guessing
where and how far you have got. Don says he will bet 5 dollars that you are 5 thousand miles in this time. Tom guesses every
night how far you have got. I never saw how they all take on about you. Bud has got them all out possum hunting tonight.
John, write soon.
Yours in love,
D.C. Shriver
Since you left, Little Time Mullins and Betty Belevers is married.

From: D.C. Shirver, to: C.B. McGuyer.
In closing; "love to 'Sim' and 'Sinda' [my 2nd great-grandparents, David Simeon
Richard George "Sim" & Lucinda (McGuire) George. Sim {1/1/1814 ~ 3/16/1907}, and "Sally" (my great grandmother), Thomas
Redman "Tom", Mary Catherine "Kat", Cas Andrew Jackson "Jack", Henry John, Susan Jane, David Simeon Richard "Simme" Jr. &
Robert E. Lee (called Lee) George.
Oct. the 25, 1859
Mr. C.B. McGuyer and family,
Dear Brother,
Through God's mercy, we this beautiful Sabbath day, we are hearty and in health. We hope this
may find you all enjoying the same blessings. We read your kind letters some 3 weeks back, but I prevented from writing sooner
by a fellon on my right thumb which has give me considerable pain for the last 3 weeks and it is as stiff as a poker yet.
I gave the letters to Neal Kimbo to give to Mrs. Golithan. Kimbe left for Texas the 6th of Oct., also J.B. Coats and Ben McGuyer
with them. I told John Coats I would write last week, but, oh, my thumb! I reckon they will beat this letter to Texas, if
they do not, you may look for them for they will be close about if no bad luck. I must write a few lines in this letter before
I close, if my thumb will admit. Well, Neal, we have had some real old fashion frost - real zingers, but the weather is beautiful
and this pretty day me and Susan went a haw hunting and we traveled through and through the woods, all over Jim Roads
lots and found no haws, no grapes, no must of no kind and we were fatigued and considerably disappointed and I think I can
not find a substitute in the (----) and stead of Black Haws. I will be compelled to take a miss-deal, for there is no haws
in these diggings. Well, something else, conference has just broke and our preacher for the Bedford circuit, G. Gurn-------.
My dear Brother, Hooker preached Polly's funeral. I wrote to you the day was very bad, but not withstanding the rain, there
was a good congregation.
Mrs. Golithan and most of the brothers ans sisters were there. The text was taken from Romans
6th chapter and 22nd and 23nd verses. He mad some beautiful remarks on Polly's character as a Christian Lady. Said he knew
her well and knew her to be a Christian and said the last time we met at Old Horse Mountain, he showed where she sat
and you got happy and she got happy and showed where you met the floor. Then he called soneone to start and sing your old
song, but there was so many tears that no one could or did start it. But Hancock sang a very appropriate song "May God Keep
and Sustain You and your little motherless children thus the ties that make life grow with bitterness and have been rent asunder
and the flower which sweetly bloomed along your pathway refreshes with it's fragrance your prosperous or adverse season had
been early nipped by winter frost and your bosom friend which but yesterday ere it withered thrilled with joyous gladness
now only throb with pulsation of sad grief and deep mourning."
We all wish you could have been here and heard Brother Hooker tell D.S. George that henry and
Bud George is sick. They had Lipscomb with them yesterday, but I do not think they are dangerous, the rest of the (family)
are all well.
Give our love to Sim. Sinda and the children.

From: D.C. Susan (McGuire) Shriver.. to: Thomas & Ann McGuire.
Dear Father and Mother,
We were truly glad to hear from you and feel very thankful for the kind offer you have made us. But, I don't
think we can move to Texas unless I have something of my own to go upon. You wished to know whether we would be entirely broke
or not. I wish I could answer that question, but I can't tell you what will be left us. My land will be sold the 7th of Novenber.
That debt is one thousand dollars besides cost and damages. Then there are other debts which I have to pay. If I had this
selling maybe I could pay the debts and have something left, but the Sheriff has the selling, I think it uncertain. I will
give up everything to keep Ed, but they may get him and all the balance. But if they will leave us enough to take us to Texas
and feed us for a year after we get there, we will be along next fall. Certain the way Dan got me into this, and the way old
Jim Wortham is working for Dan, it is a tight fit if I can bear it, for they are acting the grand (---------) with me.
Well, Daddy and Mama, we would be glad to see you and so would all the children, and I wish you could see
all them. You have the pleasure of seeing several from this neighborhood when John Coats opens his trunk.
The corn crop will be short here. Corn is worth 3 dollars per bushel, wheat one dollar per bu.
Give our love to all,
Yours in love,
D.C. and Susan Shriver.

From: D.C. & Susan Shriver, to: Neal McGuyer
Cornelius Butcher "Neal" {11/18/1822 ~ 1/9/1903} was the only son of Ann (Lee) &
Thomas McGuire. As far as we know he was the one who changed the spelling of the family name from McGuire to Mcguyer. On 6/31/1847
in nashville Tennessee he married Mary Ann Golithan {11/4/1823 ~ 7/17/1859}. Their children were: Thomas Rufus "Rufe",
Sarah Catherine "Sally", Ann Lee, Nancy Jane, Cynthia Elizabeth "Betty" and John William McGuyer. On 3/1/1860 in Charleston,
Texas, Delta County, Neal married Salina Dukes {2/26/1839 ~ 7/25/1916}. Their children were: Cornelius Henry (called Henry),
Mary Clarinda, James Gideon, Frebra Emma (called Emma), Lucinda Salina "Lucy", Daniel Christian, Simeon, Ruth and Benjamin
Franklin "Ben" McGuyer.
Well, Neal, there is considerable moving this fall, some to Arkansas, some to Texas, and some to
Kentucky. Lit Evans and family and Mother Jane and Bill Moore and (------) all starts to Kentucky tomorrow. Well, Neal, I
must write a few lines (-----) to John Coats for it was like parting with one of our own family. Neal, you may have a
time of guessing when John opens his trunk. Neal, we intended to move to Texas next fall, or sooner if we have anything
to move with. Give our love to Bob and Nancy, also to C.W. Coats and family and to all. Neal, write soon.
We remain yours in love,
D.C. & Susan Shriver
Other children of Ann & Thomas McGuire not heard from in the above letters were: Elizabeth
{6/3/1809 ~ ???} and Sarah Elizabeth "Sallie" {2/--/1814 ~ 6/3/1890} McGuire. Elizabeth married Caliborne Wilson
Coats. Their children were: Nancy Ann, Thomas James, John B., T.L., Dr. Cornelious Butcher, Arsula Catherine, Mary Jane and
Sarah Lee Coats. She married William Roberts Sharp Jr. Their children were: Isabell R., Thomas Asbury, Anna Katherine, William
Anderson "Bud", Nancy, Sarah Elizabeth, Nicey Belle and Mary Josephine Tennessee Sharp.
This concludes the McGuire/McGuyre letters.

The following letter was written Oct.9, 1847 by George
W. Lee. He was the grandson of my 5th great grandparents, and nephew to my 4th great grandmother, Elizabeth Lee, who
married her cousin, Richard Henry Lee.
The lineage to me is as follows:
................ (unknown Lee & unknown).
Richard Henry Lee & Mary Grewsham .... Peter Lee & ?
Ann Talitha Lee & Thomas McGuire.
Lucinda L. McGuire and David Simeon Richard George.
Sarah Ann (George) & John William Wilson.
Sarah Catherine (Wilson) & Eddie Peterson Johnson.
Eddie & Sarah's children: John W. (he only lived a few months), Mary Viola,
James Allen, Sue Ann, Wesley Thomas (my father), Harvena Lee, Little Brother (the baby that was born dead), and Neomi.
From Wesley Thomas Johnson: Earl, Kerry, Jerry, Kenneth, Dale and Gale.
George W. Lee wrote this letter to his son, Abner Gresham Lee. Not everything in
the letter has been proven yet, but several things have checked out. He thought Old Aunt Rhodey was a Lee, but it turns out
she was a Gresham. She was probably an old woman when he was a boy, so he probably just got confused. I also think he was
a little fuzzy about his great grandfather being one of the first settlers in Jamestown Virginia. Jamestown was settled May
14, 1607, so he probably should have added at least two generations, maybe three.
October 9th., 1876
Feather River, Sutter County, California.
I will wtite you a few lines to let you know that I am still alive and in tolerable health and
do hope this may find you alive and in good health. I have your letter of last March 7, 1867, before me which is the last
letter I have had from you, and the last one that I have ever seen or heard from you was the letter you wrote to E.W. after
you had heard that Rachel was dead, and as you speak of scalp taking it may bee that your sclap has left the head; but I hope
not. Well the letter that you wrote me before the one on the 7th March got lost and I could not find it and I waited to see
if i would find it but I have not found it yet. In it you wanted to know something about which I have entirely forgotten,
but E.W. says that you wanted to know how old she was when she died. Well she was born May 12, 1802 and died June 4th 1852.
You wanted to know if your Uncle Levi had any son named Alfred. I can say to you that he has not. He has a son named Andrew
but I have forgot his middle name though it appears to me that it was Lawrence or Baley. I had a cozen in Tennessee named
Alfred but whether he had any middle name or not I don't know and he married one of my cozens daughters on my mother's side
by the name of Gailbreath and there was one of his brothers by the name of Abraham Lee and I think his wife was a Piron. Alfred
and Abraham was sons of Uncle Jehew Lee by Richard Henry Lee's second wife whose maiden name was Miller. Alfred and Abraham
are only 1/2 couzens to me. They were brothers to Isaac Lee of Mud Prairie Ill. And uncles to Peter T. Lee also of Mud Prairie
Ill. Now if any of them had a son called Alferd I don't know it.
Well. There must be many thousands of us as my great grandfather was certainly the first
Lee that was ever in North America with his family. He was one of the settlers of Jamestown, Virginia. I have forgotten great-grandmother's
maiden name. She was Welch and born and raised in the city of Wales. The had 4 sons and how many daughters I do not now remember
but I remember seeing of two. Old Aunt Rhodey Watkins and Aunt Judey. The 4our sons was named John, Peter, Evens and Richard
Henry who was my grandfather. Well, Richard Henry married Mary Grisham who was the sister of two of John Grisham brothers,
full Welch also, and he had by her 7 sons and 3 daughters (to wit) Grisham, William, Jessee, Archer, Young, George and Abner.
These was the sons. The daughtrers was named Dorthy, commonly called Dolly, Mary and Elizabeth. Well I never saw Uncle Grisham
nor none of his family. He married Priciley Staples and staid Virginia and was a gunsmith to the U.S. in time of Revoulation.
Was then quiet an old man and had children as old as my father so his family must have sperd to many hundred by this time.
Uncle William also married a Staples and moved to Kentucky in an early day. Him and his family I have saw excep one son and
two daughters. He had 5 sons and 4 or 5 daughters. Uncle Jessee married but I have forgoten his wife's name. He went to Georgia,
Oglethorpe County, had a large family but I never saw him or aney of his children. Uncle Archer died in the Arme of the Revolution.
Uncle Young married a Mathews and had children how many I don't know. I saw one of his sons Guy Lee. Uncle George married
and moved to Kentucky. Who he married I don't know. I never saw him or aney of his children. They lived on the National
Road between Vandalia and the Wabas River in Ill. Your grandfather you know all about.
Now Aunt Dolly married a Thornton. The lived in Tennessee though I never saw aney of them. Aunt
Mary married her cousin Thomas Lee son of G. Uncle Perer Lee and had many children. I never saw aney but grandson William
Lee, Willis Reeves brother-in-law which you have saw. Aunt Elizabeth married her cousin also, son of G.U. Peter, Richard Henry
Lee. The both moved to Kentucky in early day and then to Mo. She was Elizabeth Holly's grandmother and Dur Wright's grandmother.
She was youngest; and grandmother died and grandfather married a Mary Miller and had by her 5 sons and one daughter to wit:
Richard, Barnet, Miller, Gehew, & Stephens. Uncle Richard married a Mary Davenport, had 5 or 6 boys and as many girls.
I have saw them amany a time. Uncle Barney married Mary Dewroset & had one son and 5 or 6 gaughters. I have saw them all
often. Uncle Miller I have saw but it was when I was little. Who he married I don't know. Tis likey that Stephen D. Lee of
the Confederate Army was one of his sons as he moved to Alabama in an early day.
Well, you will get a letter I wrote to Robert Cheshire. I had no envelope and I sent it to town
by George and Cam. George knew who it was to, put in in envelope, gave to Cam to Direct and he Directed to you instead of
N.B. I hope the president will have enough in congress to sustain his vetoes this winter.
George W. Lee
Isabell Cameron of Berry Creek, Californis has the original letter in her possession.
Go to: Adam & Eve
Or go to: Other McGuire History
Or, go to: David & Lucinda George