These McGuire-McGuyer letters were given to me by Vena Johnson. They were made
available to her by Shirley Ann (Nabors) Smith, who has perserved them in the library at Cooper Texas. Thanks Vena and
Shirley, for sharing them.
McGuire-McGuyer Letters ~ Texas & Tennessee Correspondence.
The letters were written between the family members of Talitha (Lee) & Thomas M. "Ned" McGuire
(my 3rd great grandparents). Their children were: Mary Ann "Polly", Elizabeth, Temperance "Tempy", Nancy Jane, Sarah Elizabeth
"Sallie", Catherine F., Susana "Susan", Lucinda L. (my line) and Cornelious Butcher "Neil" McGuire. Cornelius changed the
spelling of the family name from McGuire, to McGuyer. He also sometimes refers to his parent's as, McGuyer.
Notice in these letters how even the sons-in-law wrote as though they were addressing their
own parents and siblings.
Shirley Ann Nabors was named for her (and my) 4th great grandmother, Mary Ann (Shirley) McGuire,
wife of William McGuire of the American Revolution. They were in the Prisoners of War camps in Canada. There is a DAR
chapter for Mary Ann in Plano, Texas. Shirley and her sister, Kate Malone are members.
Mary Ann Shirley & William McGuire descend to me through:
Their son, Thomas McGuire & Ann Talitha Lee.
Their daughter, Lucinda L. McGuire & David Simeon Richard George Sr.
Their daughter, Sarah Ann George & John William Wilson.
Their daughter, Sarah Catherine Wilson & Eddie Peterson Johnson.
Their son, Wesley Thomas "Wes Tom" Johnson & Opal Nell Stone (my parents).
Ann (Shirley) McGuire's Will
Mary Ann was born 2/17/1762 in Virginia. She died in 1845 in Bedford County, Tennessee. She married
William McGuire 2/23/1787 in Shenandoah Valley, Rockingham County, Virginia. William was born 3/12/1748 in Virginia. He died
in 1834 in Bedford County, Tennessee. They are buried in Old Horse Mountain Church Cemetery.
Mary Ann was a daughter Michale & Catherine "Katy" (Franz) Shirley. Michale was born in England in 1740
and migrated to Spain before coming to America and landing at Plymouth Rock. He fought in the Revolution as a leutenant in
the Continental Army. He served from 12/01/1777 to 11/--/1779. He was killed by Indians 7/23/1784 at Ft. Boonesboro, Madison
County, Kentycky. It was common, at that time, for servicemen to receive land grants in Kentucky. Katy was born in 1743
in Paris, France. She died in Madison County, Kentucky in 1826. Katy and Michale were married in Ft. Washington, Maryland.
Now known as Washington D.C.
Will of Mary Ann McGuire
(Transcribed from the photocopy of the original
handwritten will).
In the name of God, Amen. This fifth day of February in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty,
I Mary Ann McGuyer of Bedford County and the state of Tennessee, being sick and weak in body but in perfect mind and memory,
thanks be given to God, for the same I do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say, I give and bequeath
unto my beloved son, Thomas McGuyer, my part of the (--- -------) that was sold after my husband (placed money)
in the hand of Henry Holt, the administrator, also two cows and one colt, two years old, and one bed and furniture. I also
appoint my beloved son, Thomas McGuyer my executor of this my last will and testament (--- --- ---) witness of whence
I have affixed my hand and seal.
Hand and seal
in the presents of
Mary Ann x McGuyer
David Norvell

Letter from Temperance "Tempy" (McGuyre) & Elisha Harmon to
her parents and siblings in Texas.
Tempy was my great-great-grand aunt. She was born 2/27/1810 in Shelbyville, Bedford County,
Tennessee. She married John Wesley Carpenter. After he died she married Elisha Harmon. Tempy's children were: Mella Ann, Thomas
Benjamin, Noah Lee, Catherine Elizabeth, John & Temperance Emaline Carpenter, William W., Rufus & Louis Harmon.
Dear Father and Mother and Brothers and Sisters. I now take the opportunity of writing
you a few lines to let you that we are all well as common. I am never well. I have not worked a day's work in a long time
and never will, I'm afraid. I am in hopes these lines may find you well. You wanted to know how we are doing. We are as usual,
tolerable well. We make plenty to eat and wear and to spare a little. I have got some stock I could spare now, but times is
hard here now. I am in hopes times will get better soon, if not it will be very bad. Everything is low and money is hard to
get hold of now. Several banks have broke and I don't know how many people has broke, and no telling how many may yet brake.
You wanted to know why I had not wrote to you. Well, I wrote you 2 or 3 letters and got no answer. I thought I would wait
'til you would write me again. I want you to write me and tell me how you are doing. Well, you wanted to know how much money
I paid Peacock. I paid him three hundred and twenty one dollars and gave him my note for the balance, in your father's name.
You wanted to know how much money was allowed to Tempy. He allowed her only three hundren dollars. He said that you instructed
him to do so. You wrote to Sis and Don and me to sale the place and keep three hundered and fifty dollars out for Tempy, and
she said you wrote again to only allow her three hundred. He saw the letter. Tempy says she wants why it is so, that she is
only allowed three and the rest four hundred. Write why it is so. I will write no more on this matter at present. I will say
to you that the old lady West is dead. She died in full triumph of a living faith. She lay a long time and gave a living testimony
that all was well all the time.
She wanted to see you all one time more, but could not. She did right and is now in heaven,
no doubt. Well I will say to you, there was a meeting at the mountain and there was sixty-four converts there. It was said
to have been the most powerful meeting that ever was there. Some said they never was such a meeting. Also, there was one at
Mount Marier, with thirty-odd converts, and one at Harlis Chapel with thirty-odd. There was a camp meeting at Old Salem with
ninety one converts. Well, you said you was in a good country and you wanted me to come and look at it. I can't come, my health
won't admit of my coming 'though we want to see very bad, but cannot.
Father and Mother and Brothers and Sisters we want you to pray for us, that we may all
meet in heaven, at last where we shall part no more forever. Well, I must close by adding: your children 'til death.
Elisha Harmon and Temperance Harmon.

To: Corneolus Butcher "Neal" McGuire/McGuyer, from: Susanan "Susan" (McGuire) Shiver.
Both Neal & Susan were children of Ann and Thomas McGuire. Susan and Don always intended to
join the family in Texas, but never managed it. They both died in Brdford County, Tennessee and are buried in Old Horse Mountain
Church Cemetery. Susan was born 11/16/1816 in Shelbyville, Bedford County, Tennessee, and died 4/9/1905. She married Don Carlos
Shiver in November 1839 in Bedford County Tennessee, and died there 7/13/1893. Susan and Don's children were: Catherine Frances,
Bibby Brooks, Thomas Abraham, Ellen Ann, Sarah Elizabeth "Bettie", Mary Burr, Corneolus Jacob, Tabitha Petway, Daniel Cookson,
D. Jake, William John Bomar and Johnny C. Shiver.
Shelbyville, Tenn.
Jan. 30th 1889
Mr. C.B. McGuire
Dear Brother,
I will answer your dear good letter that came to hand Saturday. It found me well and trying
to get to heaven. I am plodin along up towards 83 and I am doing my own washing yet. I (---) my old (---) in my room sitting
in the corner where Shiver set and read the Bible and his prayer, night and morning. His Bible is still lying right where
he left it, and has began to look mighty old. He looks just like (--- ---). I reckon you know, (Aug) and his family lives
in the house with me. (Amy) as well. (Aug) sends his love to you. I reckon you know Jack (Holt) is dead. (Bet) and Jack is
both dead and left 9 children at home. Barn(ney) is making a good living for them. They are keeping house. I took Christmas
with Dutch and (Bet) and every one of them gave one a Christmas present. Dutch gave me a dress and (Bet) gave me a nice
bonnet and Benny gave me a nice breakfast (shawl), and all (--- ---) of the children gave me (--- ---) I can't tell you what
all I did get. My lap and hands was both (----). (----)'s little girl is one of the smartest little things I ever saw. Well,
we haven't had but one letter from you since we sent the pictures. I bought a nice new frame and framed you and your
wife's picture, and everybody says they look so nice. Old Henry Holt like to had a fit over your picture and said he would
give anything to see you.

From: Bibby B. Bormor, to: Thomas McGuire.
Bibby married Catherine F. McGuire. Catherine was born 4/17/1815
in Shelby, Bedford County, Tennessee and died there 5/9/1889; buried at Horse Mountain Cemetery. Catherine & Bibby's children
were: Elijah T., Thomas M., James Brooks, William Richard, Cornelius H., and Sally Ann Borner.
(---) the 30, 1858
Tennessee, Bedford County.
Dear Father and Mother,
This leaves us all well, hoping this may find you all enjoying the same blessings. I send you
a draft with interest since Christmas. I could not send it sooner, as I could not collect any money that was oweing me, and
Cornelius' money, I have not got yet and there is something from Davidson yet. I will send that as soon as I get it. It is
the hardest time here I ever saw in my life, don't think hard of me. Nothing more at present. Will write again in three or
four days. I can't collect any money that is oweing me, and I sold some of my bacon at a low price to get this draft. I will
write you a letter in a few days for fear you don't get this draft.
Bomar to Thomas McGuire.

December 9, 1862, Dear Brother & Sister.
December 9, 1862
Dear Brother and Sister,
I take this opportunity to you a few lines in answer to your which came to hand a few days since
I was expected to hear from you, and how you was well. Hoping this may find you all well days and in common health.
Thank God for his goodness and mercies. You wanted to know if I wanted to sue you. I do not. I don't think to have a
law suit with no man. I am willing to do anything that will be satisfactory with your mother. I want her to hold the property
her lifetime, and if you can make a compromise, the way you wrote me, I will be satisfied. I don't want to get in law
for I have had two suits with cyatess and gained both, and the cost was great. One cost Harmon's estate two hundered
dollars. So, you can see it is a bad business. I want you to do the thing that is right, and I am satisified you know that
I have all the papers that was left in my hands, and if you go to law, I will have to produce them and that will be against
you. So, if you can compromise it will be the best for you and all the -----------------.
C.B. McGuyer, to: Mary Ann (McGuire) Bryant.
Mary Ann was the eldest child of Ann & Thomas McGuier. She was born 7/3/1807 in Shelbyville,
Bedford County, Tennessee. She married Nathaniel G, Bryant. Their children were: Thomas W., Sophronia Jane, Ann Lee, Jenna
E., Benjamin C., Naomi P., and John H. Bryant. Thomas W. married his couson, Melia Ann Carpenter.
To Mrs. Mary Ann Bryant,
Dear Sister, I seat myself to drop you a few lines to let you know we are getting along
at this time. We are all well at this time, hoping when these few lines come to hand they may find you enjoying the same blessings
at hand time. Here, everything is cheap but money and that is high. I tell you money is almost out of the question, if people
was out of debt it would do, but that is the question. Well, Polly, I have wound up the estate at last and your money is ready
for you. You can give Carpenter or someone else the power to draw your money and it will be sent to you. Dr. Lane has a claim
against you, but I shall not pay any attention to that. You can sent the power attorney and I will send you the money before
Lane knows anything about it. So let me know soon as possible. You can authorize Carpenter to receipt me and I will send it
to you. There is $34.61 a coming to you. Some of us got nothing in the devide whilst some got right smart. All them old claims
stood good in the devide. I have done the best with it that I could. Let me hear from you as soon as possible so I will
know what to do. You can let Lane have it if you want too, but he can live without it. For he is rich, and he made it off
the people with drugs at his own price and high at that. So be sure to let me know quick what to do so we will close for this
time and will write you as soon as I hear from you. So fare the well for this time. Salina and the children all sends howd(y)
to you.
C.B. McGuyer