John Wilson (my great grandfather) and his brother Thomas Allen Wilson
enlisted into the Condederate Army on the same day. The following four pages of information was given to me by Clay Carpenter,
son of Phyllis Carpenter. Thomas Wilson was her great grandfather. Thanks Clay for sharing, and for all your hard work.
The following stories are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced without the
permission of Clay Carpenter.
Records from the National Archives and Missouri State
Archives reported that both John William Wilson and Thomas Allen Wilson enlisted as privates in Company E of the 4th Missouri Volunteer Infantry in the Confederate
States Army (CSA) during January of 1862 in Springfield, Missouri. Both were enlisted by Major Stephen W. Wood (a lawyer
from Lebanon, Missouri) to serve three years.
Formation & Background:
October 31, 1861, the Missouri legislature passed a secession act, ratified the Confederate constitution, and petitioned for
admittance into the Confederate States of America. On November 25, 1861, General Price advised the Missouri State Guard (MSG) that the Confederate Government would receive into service as many troops from Missouri as may volunteer to serve twelve
month. The volunteers would be placed under the command of Major General Price. On December 2, 1861, while the MSG was in winter camp at Osceola (Missouri), General Price
established a separate camp nearby for volunteers for the Confederate State Army (CSA). Colonel Henry Little, a former
officer in the MSG, was given command of the Confederate camp after returning from Richmond where he had been commissioned
a Colonel in the CSA. Colonel Little began recruiting volunteers for the First and the Second Missouri Confederate Brigades.
On January 23, 1862, in
Springfield (Missouri), General Price issued an order formalizing the organization of the Missouri Confederate volunteers
into two brigades. The First brigade, commanded by Colonel Henry Little, included Colonel Elijah Gates First Cavalry,
Colonel John Q. Burbridges Second Infantry, Colonel Benjamin A. Rives Third Infantry, Captain William Wades First Battery
of Artillery, and Captain Samuel Churchill Clarks Second Battery of Artillery. The Second Brigade, commanded by Missouri State
Guard Brigadier General William Yarnell Slack, included all other Confederate volunteer units (i.e., Company E, 4th MO Infantry)
that had not yet reached full strength. These units were Colonel Robert S. Beviers battalion of infantry, Colonel Thomas H.
Rossers battalion of infantry, Colonel Robert McCullochs battalion of cavalry, Captain Henry Lucas squad of artillery, Captain
Henry Landis squad of artillery, together with all others not already enlisted in the First or Second Brigades. One extra
battalion of Confederate volunteers was placed under the command of Missouri State Guard General McBride.
by Col. Archibald MacFarlane, Lieutenant Colonel Waldo P. Johnson, Major Stephen W. Wood; the 4th Missouri Volunteer
Infantry was formed by the merging of the 1st Missouri Infantry Battalion, Fagin's
and MacFarlane's Infantry Battalions on
April 30, 1862. Having never reached full strength, on November 7, 1862 the 4th Missouri Volunteer Infantry was
merged with the 1st Missouri Infantry to form the "1st & 4th Consolidated Missouri Infantry" and was placed under the
command of Colonel Amos Riley, with Hugh A. Garland as Lieutenant Colonel, and Martin Burk as Major. This unit was an
integral part of the Missouri Brigade attached to Price/Little's Division and Bowen's Division. Considered The Souths Finest military unit and, arguably, the best military unit on either side, the Missouri Brigade
was one of the first and last units to see action in the Civil War. Between 1861 and 1865, the Missouri Brigade saw
action in 13 major battles, 6 sieges, and numerous other engagements. Of the more than 8,000 Missouri soldiers who fought
in the Missouri Brigade, only 300 were left after the last battle in April 1865.
Company E of the
4th Missouri Infantry (CSA) was formed from Missouri State Guard (MSG) Companies that had been mustered into service on March 25, 1861, by Colonel James Shaler (detailed by General Frost).
Company E was formed on March 25, 1862, when Captain Norval Spangler's Company and Captain Stephen W. Wood's Company were consolidated into Company E (4th Missouri Infantry) with Norval Spangler remaining
as Captain (Spangler had been elected his company's captain on February 9, 1862, and Wood had been elected his
companies captain in February, 1862). The majority of the men
in Company E were from Henry County (Spangler's Company) and Laclede County (Wood's Company) in southwest Missouri. These men were hardy and self-reliant mountaineers
and were some of the MSGs best troops. Like all frontiersman, they were shrewd, quick-witted, wary, cunning, and ready for
all emergencies, and like all backwoodsmen, their courage was serene, steady, unconscious.Page 93, The Souths Finest, The First Missouri Confederate Brigade from Pea Ridge to Vicksburg by Phillip
Thomas Tucker). When the 4th Missouri Volunteer Infantry was
merged with the 1st Missouri Infantry, Company E of the 4th Missouri Infantry was consolidated with Company H of the 4th Missouri
Infantry to form Company E of the 1st & 4th Consolidated Missouri Infantry.
After evacuating Springfield, Missouri, on
February 12, 1862, General Price combined CSA/MSG forces crossed into Arkansas and joined CSA forces under General Ben McCulloch.
Under the command of General Earl Van Dorn, General Sterling Price's Missouri troops and General McCulloch Arkansas troops
were defeated by Union forces at the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern (AKA: Pea Ridge) on March 6 & 7, 1862. Since Company E 4th MO Infantry-CSA
was only partially organized, it is probable that it served under
Captain Norval Spangler in Company C, or Captain Wood in Company H, during this engagement and were under the command of Colonel
Colton Green.
Laclede County:
In the spring of 1861, a company of Missouri State Guard
(MSG) troops was organized at Lebannon with R.J. Wickersham as Captain; Joseph Craig (1st), James H. Wickersham (2nd),
and Charles Kethcum (3rd) as lieutenants. This company first joined Schable's battalion of infantry and left Springfield
(MO) at the time of the engagement with General Fremont's body guard. After this engagement, the company was reorganized
and joined General Price's army at Osceola and were placed under the command of Colonel Colton Green. However, the company
remained a battalion in McBride's Division of MSG troops.
According to records from the National Archives, Thomas Allen Wilson was present for duty with Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry (CSA), at the time of this engagement. During the engagement, Company E (1-4th Consolidated MO
Infantry - under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Hugh A. Garland) appears to have been under the command of Captain A.C. Patton and was assigned
to the Missouri Brigade (Major General Samuel Gibbs French's Division) under the command of Colonel Francis M. Cockrell.
Although the Missouri State Archives report that Thomas Allen Wilson was wounded on July 22, 1864, the date of July 20 reported
by National Archives appears to be correct since Company E was not reported to have been in action on July 22).
Following the Battle of Peachtree Creek,
General Hood determined to attack Maj. Gen. James B. McPhersons Army of the Tennessee. He withdrew his main army at night
from Atlanta s outer line to the inner line, enticing Sherman to follow. In the meantime, he sent William J. Hardee with his
corps on a fifteen-mile march to hit the unprotected Union left and rear, east of the city. Wheelers cavalry was to operate
farther out on Shermans supply line, and Gen. Frank Cheathams corps were to attack the Union front. Hood, however, miscalculated
the time necessary to make the march, and Hardee was unable to attack until afternoon. Although Hood had outmaneuvered Sherman
for the time being, McPherson was concerned about his left flank and sent his reservesGrenville Dodges XVI Army Corpsto that
location. Two of Hoods divisions ran into this reserve force and were repulsed. The Rebel attack stalled on the Union rear
but began to roll up the left flank. Around the same time, a Confederate soldier shot and killed McPherson when he rode out
to observe the fighting. Determined attacks continued, but the Union forces held. About 4:00 pm, Cheathams corps broke through
the Union front at the Hurt House, but Sherman massed twenty artillery pieces on a knoll near his headquarters to shell these
Confederates and halt their drive. Maj. Gen. John A. Logan s XV Army Corps then led a counterattack that restored the Union
line. The Union troops held, and Hood suffered high casualties.
Enlisted Men:
Abner MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. A. Adkins was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
C.P. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Baker, William S. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Thomas MO 4th Inf. Co. E
J.S. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
J.E. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
R.F. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
James MO 4th Inf. Co. E
James MO 4th Inf. Co. E
T. Barnhart was listed as wounded while serving Captain Wood's Company
H under Col. Colton Green (Third Brigade) during action near Elkhorn Tavern (AK) on Mar 7&8, 1862. |
J.J. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
George MO 4th Inf. Co. E
E.L. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
E.K. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
E.C. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Eli C. Blewett served in the MO 4th Co. H before it was consolidated
into Co. E & died 29 Nov 1862. |
F.M. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Bohannon is believed to have served with the Union prior to the end of the Civil War. |
James M. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. James M. Bond was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
W.T. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Cockerell, W.L. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
W.L. Cockrell was listed as wounded while serving Captain Spangler's Company C under Col. Colton Green (Third Brigade) during action near Elkhorn
Tavern (AK) on Mar 7&8, 1862. |
Henry MO 4th Inf. Co. E
James T. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Cox, J.N. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. J.N. Cox was listed as wounded while serving in Company E (8th
Regiment Cavalry Division - 2nd Brigade) during the Battle of Wilson Creek on August 10, 1861. |
Edward MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Samuel MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Woodford MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Joseph MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. J. Davis was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA.
Pvt. J.C. Davis was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA |
W.R. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. W.R. Davis was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
George MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Toliver MO 4th Inf. Co. E
T.S. MO 4th Inf. Co. E Cpl.
J.G. MO 4th Inf. Co. E Sgt.
J.G. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Enoch MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. E. Faster was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA |
W.A. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
M.B. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
F.M. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
J.M. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Frederick MO 4th Inf. Co. E
J.J. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
W.F. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
William MO 4th Inf. Co. E
W.G. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
W.G. Harrison is listed as wounded while serving Captain Spangler's
Company C under Col. Colton Green (Third Brigade) during action near Elkhorn Tavern (AK) on Mar 7&8, 1862. |
B.B. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
W. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
W. Holland was listed as wounded while serving Captain Spangler's Company
C under Col. Colton Green (Third Brigade) during action near Elkhorn Tavern (AK) on Mar 7&8, 1862. |
J.A. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
G.W. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
George W. Hopkins was elected Captain of Company D (7th Regt. Cavalry, 8th Division) on June 12, 1861 and resigned December
(Co. D is Vernon Co. Battalion of Calvary).
G.W. Hopkins (8th Regiment Cavalry Division - 2nd Brigade) was listed
as wounded
during the Battle of Wilson Creek on August 10, 1861. |
A.B. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Sgt. A.B. Hopkins was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
William MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Cary MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Hough was reported killed on October 3, 1862, during the Battle of Corinth (MS). |
G.L. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
B.F. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
William G. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Charles MO 4th Inf. Co. E Sgt.
Ketchum (born 1840 in MO) was latter promoted to Lt. and listed in
Laclede Co (MO) Civil War Veterans.
Pvt. C. Ketchum was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA.
Charles Ketchum was 20 year old and resided in Laclede County (MO) in 1850. |
J.E. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Albert MO 4th Inf. Co. E
A. Lawrence was listed as wounded while serving Captain Spangler's
Company C under Col. Colton Green (Third Brigade) during action near Elkhorn Tavern (AK) on Mar 7&8, 1862. |
R.A. MO 4th Inf. Co. E 1st Sgt.
Daniel MO 4th Inf. Co. E Sgt.
W.A. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
James H. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
A.C. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
R.P. MO 4th Inf. Co. E Moor, Charles W. MO 4th Inf. Co. E Page, J.B. 1- 4th Inf.
Co. E
Pvt. J.B. Page was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
Page, W.A. Jr. 1-4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. W.A. Page Jr. was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
Page, William A. (Sr.)MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. William Page (8th Regiment Cavalry Division 8th Division - 2nd Brigade) was listed as wounded during the Battle of Wilson Creek on August 10, 1861.
Pvt. W.A. Page Sr. was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
Parsons, W.C. 1-4th Inf. Co. E
Sgt. W.C. Parsons was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
William MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Warren MO 4th Inf. Co. E
F.M. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Milton MO 4th Inf. Co. E
John M. MO 4th Inf. Co. E Sgt.
Sgt. J.M. Ragland was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
W.R. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
O.S. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. O.S. Riddle was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
J.C. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
A.J. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
G.A. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Elias MO 4th Inf. Co. E
J. MO 4th Inf. Co. E Stolligs, Lorenzo MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. L. Stollings was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
Stolling, Joel A. MO 4th Inf. Co. Stone, W.W. MO 4th Inf. Co. E Color Cpl.
Lt. W. Stone was listed as an officer of Company C or E that was in action in the Battle of Wilson Creek on August 10, 1861. |
Daniel MO 4th Inf. Co. E
J.N.C. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
G.W. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
H.C. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
F.D. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Thomas J. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. T.J. Wiley was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
William MO 4th Inf. Co. E Cpl.
Cpl. W. Wiley was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
J.H. MO 4th Inf. Co. E (Severely wounded at Altoona)
Wilson Thomas Allen MO 4th Inf. Co. E (Severely wounded at Peachtree Creek)
Pvt. T.A. Wilson was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
Wilson John William MO 4th Inf. Co. E (Severely wounded at Corinth)
Henry C. MO 4th Inf. Co. E Cpl.
Cpl. H.C. Wilson was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
Woods, R.B. 1-4th Inf. Co. E
Pvt. RB. Woods was listed of Prisoners Captured at Vicksburg from Company E, 1-4th MO Infantry-CSA. |
James A. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
A.F. MO 4th Inf. Co. E
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Civil War